Monday 9 August 2010

Making it

First of all I should explain that this is a blog about Football manager. In football manager there is the ability to create and edit leagues. Since the new football season is about to start and the new football manager won't be out for a good few months and I dislike starting a new game when I know that there's players moved or retired in real life so I have decided to create my own league.

The league itself is inspired by the fact that in Europe there's not much hope of any team outside of the bigger countries having much hope of European glory, mainly the Champions league.

To start with I have to consider which country to edit. That was fairly easy, I've chosen to edit the Faroe Islands since I actually rather like them and secretly hope they'll become a major footballing power.

After that it comes down to which nations to accept teams from, so far I have Faroe Islands, Iceland, Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, England, Wales, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Latvia and Estonia. Originally it was going to be an islands league, taking teams from the Faroes and surrounding islands such as Orkney, Shetland and Aland.

Hardest part is how to set the league up. Obviously I want a good mix and I want it to be a decent sized league. However whilst writing this I'm beginning to wonder if I should create 3 smaller leagues instead, Northern Atlantic, Baltic and Scandinavian leagues. I'll have to think about that overnight.

I know I'll be using the original Faroe Island teams but for the rest I'll be making them up. Wondering to include some B teams or not, such as create Chelsea B, Man Utd B to allow them a place to showcase reserve players in a proper league and add more glamour to the league to attract sponsors and viewers.

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